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Music, Ministry, and the Arts are constants in our conversation and activities. Below are are some of the ways I (Elsen) may offer my services.

Collaborative Piano
Since the 70's I have been involved in musical performance, both solo and collaborative. Although I have regular commitments to church services and collaborative accompaniment at institutions around Hot Springs, AR, you may connect with me via e-mail for specific concerts, church services, or other venues.

Representatives for the Minas Gerais Baptist Convention (CBM) in the US
Elsen and Michelle serve as representatives and missions mobilizers for the CBM, raising awareness of the spiritual and financial needs of that State, and seeking prayer and financial partnerships for the missions projects in MG.

Ethnoarts Course - Arts for a Better Future (Artes para o Reino)
In partnership with the International Council of Ethnodoxologists, we can offer a preferably one-week course in local arts integration in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or German. In Brazil we work in partnership with Heber and Sophia Negrão who live in Pará, Brazil.

General Consultation on Worship, Missions, Music, and Arts
In the latter months of 2018, I will be entering 'dissertation stage' in my PhD program. The area of Ethnodoxology, although a new academic focus, deals with practices that have been a part of the practice of worship since the beginning of time. Its relevance has grown to the degree that our knowledge of different cultures has grown through the last couple of centuries. We invite you to understand how these concepts can affect both the advance of the Kingdom of God and your personal relationship with your local church.
Arts in Mission
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